Did Your Parents Argue About Money?

Did your parents argue about money?

Did you know it’s probably impacting how you handle your finances, today?

For better or worse—whether you like to admit it or not—no matter how old you are or how much you’ve accomplished—you are a product of your upbringing.

And, if that upbringing included arguments, tension or stress about money your current financial situation (AKA your relationship with money) is a reflection.

In my case, there were no arguments (because my mom was a single parent) but there was an underlying, if unspoken, feeling that money was tight.

We always had what we needed and we had quite a lot of fun, but there weren’t a lot of “extras”.

I never felt deprived, but I was aware that friends and classmates had stuff I was never going to have.

Looking back, I’m grateful for the lessons I learned, but I can’t deny that I may have learned some of them too well.

Like I said, I’m used to having what I need but not much more.

That presents a constant challenge to an abundant mindset because the definition of abundance is more than enough!

So how does this play out for me? I notice myself holding back, playing small, stopping short when a goal is in sight.

Which sets me up for just enough.

The good news is that I notice!

Because when I notice myself holding back I can choose to do something different.

When I see that I’ve been playing small I can decide to play bigger.

If I start to slow down because I’m close to my goal I can push myself a little harder and finish stronger.

And the more I do that the easier it is to do it; and the easier it is to do, the more I do it.

So, what about you? How is your upbringing affecting your finances?

More importantly, what are you doing about it?


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