
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about creating/having/maintaining a #soulmate money relationship.

Basically, I’ve been asking myself what that even means! Like, if I had to explain it to an 8 year old, could I make her understand? And, of course the answer is Yes and No (because so many things are like that with me!).

And that’s because the real answer is, it depends. It depends on who is asking and who is trying to make it happen. Just like if you were asking about a soul mate love relationship. It’s different for everyone.

Different strokes for different folks.

Which sucks because it means you have to decide what you want before you can have it.

But on the other hand, it’s stupid cool because YOU GET TO DECIDE what you want so you can have it!

You get to choose how you want to make your money and how much money you want to make and what you do with it after you’ve made it. And, you get to choose how you feel about it, throughout the journey.

If you want to feel crazy in love with the $50,000 a year that you make (and I highly suggest that you do!) you can feel free to go right ahead and do so.

And, if you want to feel stressed and in a space of lack and doubt and fear with $50,000 a month, you could do that, too. I think you can guess my feelings on this…

The point is that the main thing about having a #soulmate money relationship is that you must decide to have one.

I’ve got more to give on this subject, but I think that’s enough for now.

♥ Tami

p.s. I guess I should ask, how’s your money relationship, right now? Let me know if the comments.

p.p.s. Be sure to follow MoneyRelationshipCoach.com on Facebook!

p.p.p.s. If you’re a woman entrepreneur in the L.A. area looking to network and mastermind, go join my L.A. Women Entrepreneurs Meet up group! #LAWE

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