Practical or Metaphysical?

There is a logical, no nonsense side to managing your relationship with money, and there is a (less acknowledged but equally important) spiritual aspect.

It’s easy to locate professionals to help you with the nuts and bolts of your finances: money managers, financial advisors, tax accountants, etc.

I find that these people dream differently than I do. They seem to clearly see a magic in numbers that I can only faintly glimpse and have a passion for crunching them that I don’t share. I love them for this!

It’s also easy, these days, to find people to help you with “attraction” and “manifesting” and “abundance”.

(Incidentally, these are all ways of saying, without really saying, “I can show you how to get/have/make/keep more money”. Often, the person saying these things goes into great detail on the fluffy, dream your way to riches part and is much less specific on the work at it every day, delay gratification today for big bunches of satisfaction tomorrow, bit).

You will find both here, because I believe you need both to have a solid, magical, everything you always wanted but never thought you could have, while keeping a firm grip on reality, relationship with money.

In this space you can expect to find some very basic, practical, easy to implement tools for tracking your income and dialing back your spending. I emphasize the word basic, because I’m not an accountant or a financial advisor, but I can give you a place to start.

You will also find some metaphysical, mindset shifting, challenge your current way of thinking, head in the clouds, always dream bigger, retrain your subconscious conditioning goodies. As stated earlier, that stuff is important, too.

So help me out. Which side are you more drawn to, practical or metaphysical? Which part do you wish someone would just do for you? Would you rather spend the day creating a spreadsheet or a vision board?

I’m listening…


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